Monday, 3 July 2017

Multiwii Moving Average Gyros

Polskie Forum FPV Poodznaczalem w kodzie MIsia 2.17 co tylko myslalem ze dobrze robie mam plytke na 2560 V1 z hobbykinga do tego gps ublox eleresa podlaczylem na ppm-sum na uart 0 podlaczylem bluetootha gps podpiety do uart2 (serial2 chyba to to samo) eleres standartowo trzyzylowy Kabelek Ale arduino wyrzucilo mi ze sa bledy ktorych nie umie zidentyfikowac Ktos moze spojrzy i podpowie Gdzie sa bledy Docelowo ma bys jeszcze OSD Misia na kopterze. ale zanim kupie para wpierw musze te FC ulotnic este arquivo consiste em várias seções para criar uma combinação de trabalho que você Deve, pelo menos, fazer suas escolhas na seção 1. 1 - CONFIGURAÇÃO BÁSICA - você deve selecionar uma opção em cada bloco. Isto pressupõe que você tenha 4 canais conectados ao seu quadro com ESC e servos padrão. 2 - OPÇÕES ESPECÍFICAS DO TIPO DE COPETE - você provavelmente deseja verificar as opções para o seu helicóptero tipo 3 - CONFIGURAÇÃO DO SISTEMA RC 4 - ALTERNAÇÕES CPUs amp BOARDS - se você tiver 5 - CONFIGURAÇÃO ALTERNATIVA - selecione RX alternativo (SBUS, PPM, etc.) ESC-range alternativo, etc. aqui 6 - CARACTERÍSTICAS OPCIONAIS - permita ter recursos agradáveis ​​aqui (LCD, telemetria, monitor de bateria, etc.) 7 - TUNING amp DEVELOPER - se você sabe o que está fazendo, você foi avisado O tipo de multicopter Definir GIMBAL definir BI definir TRI definir QUADP definir QUADX definir Y4 definir Y6 definir HEX6 definir HEX6X definir HEX6H definir HEX6U definir OCTOX8 definir OCTOFLATP definir OCTOFLATX definir FLYINGWING definir VTAIL4 definir AIRPLANE definir SINGLECOPTER definir DUALCOPTER definir HELI120CCPM definir HELI90DEG Motor minthrottle Definir o comando minimo de aceleração enviado Para o ESC (Electronic Speed ​​Controller) Este é o valor mínimo que permite que os motores sejam executados a uma velocidade ociosa define MINTHROTTLE 1300 para Turnigy Plush ESC 10A define MINTHROTTLE 11 20 para Super Simple ESC 10A define MINTHROTTLE 1064 especial ESC (simonk) define MINTHROTTLE 1100 Motor maxthrottle Este é o valor máximo para os ESCs em plena potência, este valor pode ser aumentado até 2000 define MAXTHROTTLE 1950 Mincommand, este é o valor para os ESCs Quando eles não estão armados em alguns casos, esse valor deve ser reduzido para 900 para alguns ESC específicos, caso contrário eles não conseguiram iniciar a definição MINCOMMAND 1000 I2C speed define o modo normal I2CSPEED 100000L 100kHz, esse valor deve ser usado para um WMP genuíno define I2CSPEED Modo rápido de 400 000L 400kHz, ele funciona apenas com alguns clones WMP. Os i2c Pullups internos permitem pulls I2C internos (na maioria dos casos é melhor usar pullups externos), defina INTERNALI2CPULLUPS Juntas IMU combinadas se você usar uma placa de sensores específica: envie qualquer correção para Esta lista. Nota de Alex: Eu só tenho algumas placas, para outras placas, não tenho certeza, a informação foi recolhida através de fóruns de rc, seja cauteloso, defina FFIMUv1 primeira placa 9DOFbaro da Jussi, com HMC5843 lt - confirmada por Alex define a segunda versão FFIMUv2 da placa 9DOFbaro De Jussi, com HMC5883 lt - confirmado por Alex define FREEIMUv1 v0.1 amp. V0.2 amp. Versão v0.3 da placa 9DOF da Fabio define FREEIMUv03 FreeIMU v0.3 e v0.3.1 definem FREEIMUv035 FreeIMU v0.3.5 sem baro define FREEIMUv035MS FreeIMU V0.3.5MS lt - confirmado por Alex define FREEIMUv035BMP FreeIMU v0.3.5BMP define FREEIMUv04 FreeIMU v0.4 com MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA lt - confirmado por Alex define FREEIMUv043 igual a FREEIMUv04 com MPU6050 final (com a escala ACC direita) define NANOWII O menor multiwii FC baseado em MPU6050 pro micro baseado proc lt - confirmado por Alex define PIPO 9DOF placa de erazz definir QUADRINO full FC placa 9DOFbaro placa de witespy com BMP085 baro lt - confirmado por Alex definir QUADRINOZOOM full FC Placa 9DOFbaro da segunda edição de witespy define QUADRINOZOOMMS placa FC completa placa 9DOFbaro da segunda edição witespy lt - confirmada por Alex define ALLINONE placa FC completa ou placa autônoma 9DOFbaro da CSGEU define AEROQUADSHIELDv2 define ATAVRSBIN1 Atmel 9DOF (Contribuição da EOSBandi). Requer uma potência de 3.3V. Define SIRIUS Sirius Navigator IMU lt - confirmado por Alex define SIRIUS600 Sirius Navigator IMU usando o WMP para o gyro define MINIWII Jussis MiniWii Flight Controller lt - confirmado por Alex define MICROWII MicroWii 10DOF com ATmega32u4, MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA de flyduino. net define CITRUSv21 CITRUS de qcrc. ca define CHERRY6DOFv10 define DROTEK10DOF Drotek 10DOF com ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085, w ou wo LLC definem DROTEK10DOFMS Drotek 10DOF com ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, MS5611, LLC definem DROTEK6DOFv2 Drotek 6DOF v2 definem DROTEK6DOFMPU Drotek 6DOF com MPU6050 definem DROTEK10DOFMPU define MONGOOSE10 mongoose 1.0 store. ckdevices define CRIUSLITE Crius MultiWii Lite define CRIUSSE Crius MultiWii SE define OPENLRSv2MULTI OpenLRS v2 Placa receptora Multi Rc incluindo ITG3205 e ADXL345 definem BOARDPROTO1 com MPU6050 HMC5883L MS baro definem BOARDPROTO2 com MPU6050 escravo MAG3110 MS baro definem GY80 chinês 10 DOF Com L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085 , LLC define GY85 chinês 9 DOF com ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L LLC define GY86 chinês 10 DOF com MPU6050 HMC5883L MS5611, LLC define GY521 Chinês 6 DOF com MPU6050, LLC define INNOVWORKS10DOF com ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085 disponível aqui diymulticopter define INNOVWORKS6DOF com ITG3200, BMA180 disponível aqui diymulticopter define PROTODIY 10DOF mega board define IOIMINIMULTIWII bambucopter define Bobs6DOFV1 BobsQuads 6DOF V1 com ITG3200 amplificador BMA180 define Bobs9DOFV1 BobsQuads 9DOF V1 com ITG3200, BMA180 amplificador HMC5883L define Bobs10DOFBMPV1 BobsQuads 10DOF V1 com ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883L amplificador BMP180 - BMP180 é compatível com software Com BMP085 define FLYDUINOMPU define CRIUSAIOPROV1 define KUKI07M define DESQUARED6DOFV2GO DEsquared V2 com ITG3200 apenas define DESQUARED6DOFV4 DEsquared V4 com MPU6050 define LADYBIRD define MEGAWAPV2STD disponível aqui: multircshop lt - confirmado por Alex define MEGAWAPV2ADV define HKMultiWiiSEV2 Hobbyking board com MPU6050 HMC5883L BMP085 define PROFLYERv31 disponível aqui: proflyer. eu sensores independentes deixam-no comentado se você já verificou uma placa específica acima do giroscópio I2C define WMP define ITG3200 define L3G4200D define MPU6050 combo ACC I2C acelerômetro define NUNCHUCK se você quiser usar o nunckuk conectado a um WMP definir MMA7455 define ADXL345 define BMA020 define BMA180 define NUNCHACK se você quiser usar o nunckuk como um autônomo I2C ACC sem WMP definir LIS3LV02 definir LSM303DLxACC I2C barômetro definir BMP085 definir MS561101BA I2C magnetômetro definir HMC5843 definir HMC5883 definir AK8975 definir MAG3110 Sonar para a finalidade de visualização atualmente - não Código de controle por trás definir SRF02 use o Devantech SRF i2c sensores definir SRF08 definir SRF10 definir SRF23 ADC acelerômetro para 5DOF de sparkfun, usa PIN analógico A1A2A3 definir ADCACC orientação orientação orientação Se você tiver quadro projetado apenas para modo e você não pode girar FC phisycally para voar em Modo X (ou vice-versa ) Você pode usar uma dessas opções para a rotação de sensores virtuais em 45 deegres, depois defina o tipo de multicopter de acordo com o modo de vôo. Verifique a ordem dos motores e as direções da rotação dos motores para coincidir com o novo ponto de frente Descompactar apenas uma opção definir SENSORSTILT45DEGRIGHT girar a FRENTE 45 graus no sentido horário definir SENSORSTILT45DEGLEFT girar a FRENTE 45 graus no sentido anti-horário definir YAWDIRECTION 1 definir YAWDIRECTION -1 se você deseja inverter a direção da correção de guinada TRI você pode mudar a viagem do servo tricóptero aqui define TRIYAWCONSTRAINTMIN 1020 define TRIYAWCONSTRAINTMAX 2000 define TRIYAWMIDDLE 1500 tails servo center pos. - use isso para o ponto inicial de compensação inicial posterior através do LCD ARMDISARM, desabilite as combinações de barras para desarmar os motores. Na maioria dos casos, uma das duas opções de armdisarm via TX stick é suficiente definir ALLOWARMDISARMVIATXYAW definir ALLOWARMDISARMVIATXROLL Estabilização de Cam As seguintes linhas aplicam-se apenas para um sistema de estabilização de inclinação de pitchroll. Descompactar a primeira ou a segunda linha para ativá-la definir SERVOTILT PITCH SERVO definir TILTPITCHMIN 1020 servo travel min, não configurá-lo abaixo de 1020 definir TILTPITCHMAX 2000 servo travel max, max value2000 definir TILTPITCHMIDDLE AUX5 servo neutro valor ou câmera PITCH canal de controle. Pode ser 1000..2000 ou AUX1..AUX8 definir TILTPITCHPROP 10 servo proporcional (amarrado ao ângulo) pode ser negativo para o movimento de inversão ROLL SERVO define TILTROLLMIN 1020 definir TILTROLLMAX 2000 definir TILTROLLMIDDLE 1500 valor de servo-neutro ou canal de controle ROLL da câmera. Pode ser 1000..2000 ou AUX1..AUX8 definir a função de disparo da câmera TILTROLLPROP 10. Ativado via Rc Opções na GUI, servo outputA2 no promini define CAMTRIG define CAMSERVOHIGH 2000 a posição de servo de nível HIGH definindo CAMSERVOLOW 1020 a posição de servo de estado BAIXO define CAMTIMEHIGH 1000 a duração do servo de estado ALTO expresso em ms define CAMTIMELOW AUX6 a duração de Servo de estado BAIXO expresso em ms ou nome do canal de controle (AUX1..AUX8). Flying Wing você pode alterar a orientação do servo de mudança e os valores do servo minmax aqui válidos para todos os modos de vôo, mesmo o modo passThrough precisa configurar as instruções do servo aqui, não é necessário trocar servos entre os canais em rx define PITCHDIRECTIONL 1 orientação servo-pitch esquerda define PITCHDIRECTIONR -1 direito Orientação do servo-pitch (sinal oposto para PITCHDIRECTIONL, se os servos estiverem montados na orientação espelhada) define ROLLDIRECTIONL 1 orientação do servo-rolo esquerdo define ROLLDIRECTIONR 1 orientação do servo-rolo direito (mesmo sinal como ROLLDIRECTIONL, se os servos estiverem montados na orientação espelhada) define WINGLEFTMID 1500 pos. Servo central esquerda. - use isso para o ponto intermediário da guarnição inicial posterior por meio do LCD definir WINGRIGHTMID 1500 posição do servo central direito. - use isso para ajuste inicial trim posterior ponto médio através de LCD definir WINGLEFTMIN 1020 limite servo intervalo de viagem deve estar dentro 10202000 definir WINGLEFTMAX 2000 limite servo intervalo de viagem deve estar dentro 10202000 definir WINGRIGHTMIN 1020 limite servo intervalo de viagem deve estar dentro 10202000 definir WINGRIGHTMAX 2000 limite servo viagem O intervalo deve estar dentro de 10202000 definir FLAPPERONS AUX4 Mix Flaps com Aileronds. Defina FLAPPERONEP Endpooints para flaps em um interruptor de 2 vias, mais definido e programado em rádio. Defina FLAPPERONEP ou Flapperons para CrowMix define FLAPPERONINVERT Mudança de direção om flapperons define FLAPS AUX4 Traditional Flaps em A2 inverter com SERVODIRECTION servo2). Defina FLAPEP Endpooints para flaps em um comutador de 2 vias mais definido e programe no rádio. Define FLAPSPEED 3 Faça as abas se moverem lentamente O valor mais alto é a velocidade mais alta. Comum para Heli amp Avião define D12POWER Use D12 no PROMINI para alimentar sensores. Desabilitar o servo4 em D12 definir SERVOOFFSET Ajustar Servo MID Offset amp Swash angles Canais selecionáveis: ROLL, PITCH, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1, AUX2, AUX3, AUX4 Heli Channel para controlar CollectivePitch define COLLECTIVEPITCH THROTTLE Definir o movimento máximo disponível para os servos. Dependendo do modelo, define SERVOENDPOINTHIGH define SERVOENDPOINTLOW Limite o intervalo de Pitch Coletivo. 100 é Full Range cada caminho e a posição para Zero Pitch define COLLECTIVERANGE. Define YAWCENTER 1500 Use servo5 SERVOENDPOINTHIGHLOW para os endpoints. Definir YAWMOTOR 0 Se um motor é usado como YAW Set para 1 mais ajustado para 0. Servo mixing for heli 120 Use 110 fractions (ex.5 510 12) define SERVONICK define SERVOLEFT define SERVORIGHT Servo mixing para heli 90 define SERVODIRECTIONS -1 inverterá Servo Limite Controle máximo para o amplificador de rolo Nick em 0-100 define CONTROLLRANGE use servo code para dirigir a saída do acelerador. Você quer isso para servo analógico dirigindo o acelerador nos motores IC. Se inativo, a saída do acelerador será tratada como uma saída do motor, para que ele possa dirigir um ESC definir HELIUSESERVOFORTHROTTLE Configurações simples e DualCopter Alterar para -1 para reverter o servomovement por eixo Servosettings para SingleCopter definir SINGLECOPTRERYAW Esquerda, Direita, Frente, Traseira definir SINGLECOPTRERSERVO Pitch, Pitch, Roll, Roll Servosettings para DualCopter define DUALCOPTERSERVO Pitch, Roll Use SERVOOFFSET e SERVIDOS na seção Heli e Airplane para centralização e pontos finais. Nota: não é necessário descomentar algo nesta seção se você usar um receptor padrão PPM Sum Reciver As seguintes linhas aplicam-se apenas Para receptor específico com apenas um sinal de soma PPM, no PIN digital 2 Selecione a linha direita, dependendo da sua marca de rádio. Sinta-se livre para modificar a ordem no seu pedido PPM é diferente definir SERIALSUMPPM THROTTLE, ROLL, PITCH, YAW, AUX1, AUX2, AUX3, AUX4, AUX5, AUX6, AUX7, AUX8 Para GraupnerSpektrum definir SERIALSUMPPM ROLL, PITCH, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1 AUX5, AUX3, AUX4, AUX5, AUX2, AUX3, AUX4, AUX5, AUX6, AUX7, AUX8 Para RobeHitecFutaba, define o ROLL SERIALSUMPPM, PITCH, YAW, THROTTLE, AUX1, AUX2, AUX3, AUX4, AUX5, AUX6, AUX7, AUX8 Para Multiplex define SERIALSUMPPM PITCH, ROLL, THROTTLE YAW, AUX1, AUX2, AUX3, AUX4, AUX5, AUX6, AUX7, AUX8 Para alguns HitecSanwaOthers A linha seguinte de sinalização permite conectar o receptor PPMSUM ao PIN THROTTLE padrão em mega boards. Define PPMONTHROTTLE eLeReS compatibile reciver no módulo RFM22B define ELERESRX descomente para habilitar o suporte eLeReS define BASEFREQ 435000 435.000MHz define BINDSIGNATURE 0x52434650 Padrão Bind Signature define CHANNELSORDER ROLL, PITCH, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1, AUX2, AUX3, AUX4, AUX5, AUX6, AUX7, AUX8 define TELEMETRYENABLE define TELEMETRYPOWER 7 01mW, 12mW, 23mW, 36mW, 413mW, 525mW, 650mW, 7100mW define TELEMETRYSENDDEBUG envie variáveis ​​de depuração via eleres telemetry (para desenvolvedores) define LOCALIZERENABLE define LOCALIZERPOWER 7 01mW, 12mW, 23mW, 36mW, 413mW, 525mW, 650mW, 7100mW define LOCALIZERDELAY 120 atraso do sinal perdido para o início do localizador em segundos, define ELERESBIND descomente se desejar ligação via GUI em vez de configurar BINDSIGNATURE manualmente Spektrum Satellite Reciver As seguintes linhas se aplicam apenas para o receptor de satélite Spektrum Os satélites Spektrum são dispositivos 3V. NÃO conecte-se a 5V Para placas MEGA, prenda o fio cinzento saturado ao RX1, pino 19. Sat fio preto à terra. Sat orange wire para Mega boards 3.3V (ou qualquer outra fonte de 3V a 3.3V). Para PROMINI, prenda cinza satinado para RX0. Anexe sat preto ao solo. Defina SPEKTRUM 1024 define SPEKTRUM 2048 define SPEKSERIALPORT 1 Forçado a 0 em Pro Mini e placas seriais individuais Defina a sua escolha de 0, 1 ou 2 em qualquer placa baseada em Mega (padrão para 1 em Mega). SBUS RECIVER A seguinte linha aplica-se apenas para o Receptor Futaba S-Bus em placas MEGA apenas no RX1 (Serial 1). Você deve inverter o S-Bus-Serial Signal, p. Ex. Com um Hex-Inverter como o IC SN74 LS 04, define o sinal SBUS RC a partir da porta serial através do protocolo Serial Multiwii, define o motor RCSERIAL Hexa 5 ampères 6 pinos PIN A0 e A1 em vez do PIN D5 amplificador D6 para configuração de 6 motores e promini config Este mod permite O uso de um receptor padrão em um pro mini (sem necessidade de usar um receptor de som PPM) define A0A1PINHEX Aux 2 Pin possibilidade de usar PIN8 ou PIN12 como entrada AUX2 RC (apenas um, não ambos) desativa neste caso o POWER PIN (pino 12) ou PIN BUZZER (pino 8) definem RCAUXPIN8 definir RCAUXPIN12 pino Layout ativar isso para uma melhor pinlayout se todos os pinos podem ser usados ​​gt não é possível no ProMicro definir A32U4ALLPINS PWM Setup ative todas as 6 saídas PWM de hardware Motor 5 D11 e 6 D13. Nota: não é possível no promisor sparkfun (o pino 11 amp. 13 não está quebrado) se ativado: Motor 1-6 hardware de 10 bits PWM Motor 7-8 Software de 8 bits Servidores PWM Software de 8 bits PWM se desativado: Motor 1-4 Hardware de 10 bits PWM Motor 5-8 Software de 10 bits Servidores PWM Software de 10 bits PWM define HWPWM6 aux2 pin no pino D17 (RXLED) define RCAUX2PIND17 Buzzer Pin move o pino Buzzer de TXO para D8 para uso com ppm Soma ou espectro sat. RX (não necessário se A32U4ALLPINS estiver ativo) define D8BUZZER Versão Promicro relacionada LED de status invertido para Promicro ver 10 definir PROMICRO10 Velocidade com serial É a velocidade das interfaces seriais definir SERIAL0COMSPEED 115200 definir SERIAL1COMSPEED 115200 definir SERIAL2COMSPEED 115200 definir SERIAL3COMSPEED 115200 atraso de intercalação em micro Segundos entre 2 leituras WMPNK em uma configuração WMPNK se o tempo de calibração ACC for muito longo (20 ou 30s), tente aumentar esse atraso até 4000, ele é relevante somente para um conf com NK define INTERLEAVINGDELAY 3000 quando há um erro no I2C Ônibus, neutralizamos os valores durante um curto período de tempo. Expresso em microssegundos só é relevante para um conf com pelo menos um WMP define o filtro NEUTRALIZEDELAY 100000 Lowpass para alguns giroscópios ITG3200 amp ITG3205 Configuração do filtro passa-baixa. Caso não consiga eliminar todas as vibrações para o Gyro, você pode tentar diminuir a freqüência LPF, apenas um passo por tentativa. Assim que se derrubar, fique com essa configuração. Isso não ajudará na troca de feedback, então mude somente quando o helicóptero é aleatoriamente torcido e todas as opções de amortecimento e balanceamento acabaram. Desconsiderar apenas uma opção IMPORTANTE Alterar a configuração do filtro de passagem baixa muda o comportamento do PID, então reune seus PIDs depois de mudar o LPF. Define ITG3200LPF256HZ Esta é a configuração padrão, não há necessidade de descomentar, apenas para referência define ITG3200LPF188HZ definir ITG3200LPF98HZ definir ITG3200LPF42HZ definir ITG3200LPF20HZ definir ITG3200LPF10HZ Use isso somente em casos extremos, em vez mudar os motores e ou adereços MPU6050 Configuração do filtro de passagem baixa. Caso não consiga eliminar todas as vibrações para o Gyro, você pode tentar diminuir a freqüência LPF, apenas um passo por tentativa. Assim que se derrubar, fique com essa configuração. Isso não ajudará na troca de feedback, então mude somente quando o helicóptero é aleatoriamente torcido e todas as opções de amortecimento e balanceamento acabaram. Desconsiderar apenas uma opção IMPORTANTE Alterar a configuração do filtro de passagem baixa muda o comportamento do PID, então reune seus PIDs depois de mudar o LPF. Define MPU6050LPF256HZ Esta é a configuração padrão, não há necessidade de descomentar, apenas para referência definir MPU6050LPF188HZ definir MPU6050LPF98HZ definir MPU6050LPF42HZ definir MPU6050LPF20HZ definir MPU6050LPF10HZ definir MPU6050LPF5HZ Use isso apenas em casos extremos, em vez de motores de mudança e acessórios Gyro suavizando GYROSMOOTHING. Caso não consiga reduzir as vibrações e depois de ter testado as opções do filtro passa-baixa, você pode tentar este suavizar o giroscópio através da média. Não é adequado para multicopters Bons resultados para helicópteros, aviões e asas voadoras (espumantes) com muitas vibrações. Definir GYROSMOOTHING intervalos de média separados para roll, pitch, yaw Gyros de média separada definir MMGYRO Função de média de movimento ativo para Gyros definir MMGYROVECTORLENGHT 10 Duração do movimento médio Média de movimento médio ServoGimbal Saída de sinal definir MMSERVOGIMBAL Função de movimento de saída ativa para Servos Gimbal definir MMSERVOGIMBALVECTORLENGHT 32 Comprimento de Número do perfil do vetor médio móvel para usar o novo modo Marbalons Fast Level Use 0 para OFF, ou 1..3 para o perfil com o modo FAST LEVEL ou 4 para usar sempre o modo FAST LEVEL definir FASTLEVEL 2 Configurações de Failsave Pulsos de verificação Failsafe em quatro Principais canais de controle CH1-CH4. Se o pulso estiver faltando ou abaixo do 985us (em qualquer um desses quatro canais), o procedimento de proteção contra falhas é iniciado. De forma diferente, você pode configurar a falha de segurança ao verificar quotFAILSAFEquot box na configuração da GUI e usar qualquer canal AUX para disparar com segurança. Após FAILSAFEDELAY tempo de detecção a prova de falhas, o modo de nível está ativado (se ACC ou nunchuk estiver disponível), PITCH, ROLL e YAW estão centrados e THROTTLE está configurado para FAILSAFETHR0TTLE valor. Você deve definir esse valor para descer cerca de 1 ms ou mais para obter melhores resultados. Esse valor depende da sua configuração, AUW e alguns outros parâmetros. Em seguida, depois de FAILSAFEOFFDELAY, o helicóptero está desarmado e os motores estão parados. Se o pulso RC voltando antes atingiu o tempo FAILSAFEOFFDELAY, após o pequeno período de tempo, o controle RC retorna ao normal. Defina o descomentamento de FAILSAFE para ativar a função de falha de segurança, defina FAILSAFEDELAY 5 Tempo de proteção para ativação a prova de falha após o sinal perdido. 1 passo 0.1sec - 0.5sec no exemplo define FAILSAFEOFFDELAY 200 Tempo para desembarque antes que os motores parem em 0.1sec. 1 passo 0.1sec - 20sec no exemplo - não usado no modo RETURNTOHOME define FAILSAFETHROTTLE (MINTHROTTLE 200) Nível de aceleração usado para desembarque - pode ser relativo a MINTHROTTLE - como neste caso - ignorado no modo RETURNTOHOME Inteligente falso com configurações RTH define FAILSAFERETURNTOHOME Habilitar quotInteligent O recurso RTH e failsafequot de desembarque define RETURNALTITUD 20 Retorna à altitude inicial em METERS. Defina POSHOLDONLANDING descomentado para usar o GPS POSITION HOLD durante o último estágio de pouso LED FLASHER define LEDFLASHER define LEDFLASHERDDR DDRC define LEDFLASHERPORT PORTC define LEDFLASHERBIT PORTC4 define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCE 0b00000000 enquanto desarmado define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCEFIX 0b00000001 enquanto GPSFIX OK define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCEARMED 0b11111111 enquanto armado define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCEMAX 0b11111111 iluminação total Luzes de desembarque Luzes de desembarque Use um pino de saída para controlar as luzes de aterragem. Eles podem ser alternados automaticamente quando usados ​​em conjunto com dados de altitude de uma unidade de sonar. Define LANDINGLIGHTSDDR DDRC define LANDINGLIGHTSPORT PORTC define LANDINGLIGHTSBIT PORTC0 altitude acima do solo (em cm) conforme relatado pelo sonar define LANDINGLIGHTSAUTOALTITUD 50 INFLIGHT ACC Calibração Isso ativará a calibração ACC-Inflight se não for definida define INFLIGHTACCCALIBRATION Desativar WMP power pin desabilitar o uso do PIN POWER (allready Feito se a opção RCAUXPIN12 for selecionada) defina DISABLEPOWERPIN introduza uma banda morta em torno do centro de suporte Deve ser maior que zero, comente se não quiser uma banda morta no rolo, o tom e a guinada definem o DEADBAND 4 define a zona neutra do acelerador durante a espera de altitude, A configuração padrão é -20 não é recomendável e altere o valor abaixo se quiser alterá-lo. Defina ALTHOLDTHROTTLENEUTRALZONE 30 GPS usando uma porta SERIAL somente disponível em placas MEGA (isso pode ser possível em placas baseadas em 328 no futuro) se ativado, defina aqui o número da porta Serial Arduino e a nota de velocidade UART: somente o PIN RX é usado O GPS não está configurado por multiwii. O GPS deve ser configurado para gerar frases NMEA GGA e RMC (geralmente o padrão para a maioria dos dispositivos GPS), pelo menos, taxa de atualização de 5Hz. Descomente da primeira linha para selecionar a porta serial do GPS do arduino define o GPSSERIAL 2 deve ser 2 para o flyduino v2. É o número da porta serial no arduino MEGA definir o GPSBAUD 38400 deve ser 19200,38400,57600 ou 115200 definir o UBLOX descomentá-lo se você usar o UBLOX GPS no modo binário (por exemplo, RC-Timer GPS), defina INITMTKGPS inicializar MTK GPS para usar a velocidade selecionada, 5Hz A taxa de atualização e a sentença GMC amp RMC definem GPSPROMINISERIAL 57600 Autosense se o GPS estiver conectado quando ardu carregue o dispositivo GPS I2C feito com um dispositivo GPS arduino independente, incluindo algumas contribuições de funções de navegação do código EOSBandi. googlepi2c-gps-nav Você deve usar pelo menos I2CGpsNav O código r33 define o dispositivo I2CGPS I2C GPS com um dispositivo GPS ATTiny24313 e um dispositivo sonar opcional. Githubwertarbytetiny-gps obter dados GPS de Tiny-GPS definir TINYGPS obter dados de sonar de Tiny-GPS definir TINYGPSSONAR Dados GPS lidos de MIS-OSD - módulo GPS conectado a Misio-OSD e MultiWii ler dados GPS de OSD definir GPSFROMOSD indicar um GPS válido Repare com pelo menos 5 satélites piscando o LED - Modificado por MIS - Usando LED estável (AMARELO no CRIUS AIO) conduzido como indicador de número sentado - Nenhum GPS FIX - indicador de LED pisca na velocidade de quadros de GPS recebidos - Corrigido e não assento. Abaixo de 5 - gt LED ON - Corrigido e não assente. Gt 5 - gt LED pisca, um pisca por 5 sat, dois pisca por 6 sat, três por 7. define GPSLEDINDICATOR define USEMSPWP Permite o comando MSPWP, que é usado pelo WinGUI para exibir e registrar posições Home e Poshold Descomente se você estiver Planejando usar o WinGUI - Custa 208 bytes de Flash definir DONTRESETHOMEATARM HOME posição é reiniciada em cada braço, descomente para proibi-lo (você pode definir a posição inicial com GyroCalibration) Navegação GPS pode controlar o título define NAVCONTROLSHEADING true copter faces em direção ao ponto de navegação , Maghold deve ser habilitado para que ele defina NAVTAILFIRST falso verdadeiro - o helicóptero vem com a cauda primeiro define NAVSETTAKEOFFHEADING true true - quando o helicóptero chega à posição inicial ele gira a direção da cabeça para a decolagem Obtenha sua declinação magnética a partir daqui. Declinação magnética Converte os degreeminutes em grau decimal por gt degreeminutes (160) Observe o sinal na declinação que poderia ser negativo ou positivo (OESTE ou ESTE) definem MAGDECLINIATION 3.96f Para Budapeste Hungria. Defina MAGDECLINIATION 4.23f define o GPSFILTERING adicione um filtro de média móvel de 5 elementos às coordenadas do GPS, ajuda a eliminar o ruído do gps, mas adiciona a latência com o comentário para desativar, defina o programa GPSLOWSPEEDDFILTER abaixo da velocidade .5ms ignora o termo D para POSHOLDRATE, teoricamente, isso também removeu o ruído induzido pelo termo D Para desativar definir GPSWPRADIUS 200 se estivermos dentro dessa distância para um waypoint, então consideramos alcançado (a distância é em cm) define NAVSLEWRATE 30 Adiciona um controle de taxa para a saída do navegador, suavizar os picos de ângulo do naval descomente essa linha se você planeja usar Um LCD ou OLED definem o LCDCONF para incluir a configuração das opções auxiliares para AUX1 - gt AUX4 através do LCD para rever (ativar agora é 16 bit de comprimento) definir o LCDCONFAUX se o programa for muito grande (gt32k), precisa excluir algum descompensamento da funcionalidade para suprimir alguns indesejados Aux3 aux4 itens no menu de configuração (só é útil se o LCDCONFAUX estiver ativado) defina SUPPRESSLCDCONFAUX34 O tipo de escolha de LCD do LCD anexado para configuração e Telemetria, veja as notas abaixo, defina LCDSERIAL3W Alex variante inicial com 3 fios, usando rx-pin para transmissão 9600 baud fixo definido LCDTEXTSTAR SERIAL LCD: Cat. Whisker LCDTEXTSTAR Módulo CW-LCD-02 (que possui 4 teclas de entrada para selecionar menus) define LCDVT100 SERIAL LCD: a emulação de terminal compatível com vt100 (blueterm, putty, etc.) define o LCDETPP I2C LCD: o LCD do painel de energia Eagle Tree, que é i2c (não serial), define LCDLCD03 I2C LCD: LCD03, que é i2c define OLEDI2C128x64 I2C LCD: OLED multiwiiforumviewtopic. Phpf7ampt1350 Configurações do logotipo definem SUPPRESSOLEDI2C128x64LOGO suprime a exibição do logotipo OLED para economizar memória define o OLEDI2C128x64LOGOPERMANENT estilo de exibição - AUTODETECTED via configuração LCD - apenas ativa para sobrescrevar padrões defina DISPLAY2LINES define DISPLAYMULTILINE define MULTILINEPRE 2 multilínea configMenu pref linhas definem MULTILINEPOST 6 multiline configMenu linhas de publicação Teclas de navegação para Navegue no menu do LCD (predefinido para os códigos de pressão da tecla LCDTEXTSTAR) defi Ne LCDMENUPREV a define LCDMENUNEXT c define LCDVALUEUP d define LCDVALUEDOWN b defina LCDMENUSAVEEXIT s define LCDMENUABORT x Para usar um LCD03 para configuração: robot-electronics. co. ukhtmLcd03tech. htm Remova o jumper nas costas para configurar o controle i2c. VCC a 5V VCC (pin1 da parte superior) SDA - Pin A4 Mini Pro - Pin 20 Mega (pin2 da parte superior) SCL - Pin A5 Mini Pro - Pin 21 Mega (pin3 da parte superior) GND to Ground (pin4 da parte superior) Para usar um Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD para configuração: fio branco para aterrar o fio vermelho para 5V VCC (ou para o pino de energia WMP, se você preferir redefinir tudo no barramento quando WMP é reiniciado) fio amarelo para SDA - Pin A4 Mini Pro - Pin 20 Mega Brown wire to SCL - Pin A5 Mini Pro - Pin 21 Mega Cats whisker LCDTEXTSTAR LCD Pleae observe que esta tela precisa de uma conexão completa de 4 fios para (5V, Gnd, RXD, TXD) Configure a exibição da seguinte maneira: níveis de 115K baud e TTL para RXD e TXD, modo terminal NO rx tx reconfiguração de linha, use pinos naturais. Os quatro botões que enviam A, B, C, D são suportados para navegação de configuração e solicitação de páginas de telemetria 1-4 para monitorar os valores do sistema (nível de bateria, tempo de loop, etc. com LCD, ativar esta nota: por enquanto, você deve enviar caracteres únicos para Solicitar páginas diferentes Botões alternar solicitação para página onoff A página ativa no LCD é atualizada automaticamente Fácil de usar com o aplicativo Terminal ou exibir como LCD - se disponível usa os 4 botões pré-configurados para enviar A, B, C, D Ativação, defina LCDTELEMETRY para Habilitar o salto automático entre uma escolha de páginas de telemetria descomente isso. Isso pode ser útil se o seu LCD não tiver botões ou o envio for quebrado é ativado e desativado em modo desarmado com o amplificador de rolo do amplificador Throttlelow pitchforward configurá-lo para a seqüência de páginas de telemetria você Quer ver 2 exibições de linhas páginas de suporte 1-9 exibições de multilinha páginas de suporte 1-5 definir LCDTELEMETRYAUTO quot123452679quot páginas 1 a 7 em ordem crescente definir LCDTELEMETRYAUT O quot212232425262729quot forte ênfase na página 2 do mesmo modo acima, mas a seqüência manual de passo requer entrada de stick (amplificador de fluxo de Throttlelow pitchforward) para passar por cada página de telemetria definida, define LCDTELEMETRYSTEP quot0123456789quot deve começar com 0 na página de telemetria B (2) dá uma barra Gráfico que mostra a quantidade de bateria de tensão deixada. O alcance de 0 a 12 Volt não é muito informativo, então, tentamos definir um alcance significativo. Para uma bateria 3S, definimos full12,6V e calculamos quanto está acima do primeiro nível de aviso. Exemplo: 12.6V - VBATLEVEL13S (para mim 126 - 102 24) define VBATREF 24 se o programa for muito grande (gt32k), precisa excluir alguma funcionalidade uncomment para suprimir algumas páginas de telemetria indesejados (só é útil se a telemetria está habilitado) definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE1 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE2 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE3 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE4 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE5 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE6 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE7 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE8 definir SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE9 buzzer definir bUZZER definir RCOPTIONSBEEP descomente esta se você quiser a campainha emita um sinal sonoro em qualquer rcOptions Mudar no canal Aux1 para Aux4 definir ARMEDTIMEWARNING 330 Disparar um alarme após um certo tempo de ser armado s para economizar lipo (se o seu TX não tiver uma contagem decrescente) monitoramento de tensão da bateria para monitoramento V BAT após o divisor de resistência, devemos obter 0V5V - Gt01023 em VBATPI analógico N com R133k e R251k (este divisor não é utilizável em 4S) para uso universal 3-4S R133k, R2100k e VBATSCALE valor deve ser cerca de 86 vbat 0102316VBATSCALE deve ser associado com definir BUZZER. Define VBAT descomente desta linha para ativar o código vbat define VBATSCALE 86 altere esse valor se for lido. A tensão da bateria é diferente dos níveis de alarme de tensão real em voltcell ou exatamente volt define VBATWARNING 35 3.5Vcell - nível de aviso define VBATCRITICAL 34 3.4Vcell - nível crítico de habilitação de monitoramento Do consumo de energia da bateria (pense em mAh) permite ajustar o valor do alarme na GUI ou no LCD Duas opções: 1 - difícil: - (usa o sensor de hardware, depois da configuração dar resultados muito bons) 2 - soft: - (bons resultados - 5 para ESCs 2 e 3S de luxúria e mistério, não é bom com SuperSimple ESC), define POWERMETERSOFT define POWERMETERHARD a soma de todos os medidores de potência de 0: 60000 e4, teoricamente. the alarm level from eeprom is out of 0:255, so we multipy alarm level with PLEVELSCALE and with 1e4 before comparing PLEVELSCALE is the step size you can use to set alarm define PLEVELSCALE 50 if you change this value for other granularity, you must search for comments in code to change accordingly larger PLEVELDIV will get you smaller value for power (mAh equivalent) define PLEVELDIV 5000 default for soft - if you lower PLEVELDIV, beware of overrun in uint32 pMeter define PLEVELDIVSOFT PLEVELDIV for soft always equal to PLEVELDIV for hard set to 5000 define PLEVELDIV 1361L to convert the sum into mAh divide by this value amploc 25A sensor has 37mVA arduino analog resolution is 4.9mV per unit units from 0..1023 sampling rate 20ms, approx 19977 micro seconds PLEVELDIV 37 4.9 10e6 18000 3600 1000 1361L set to analogRead() value for zero current define PSENSORNULL 510 for I0A my sensor gives 12 Vss that is approx 2.49Volt define PINT2mA 13 for telemtry display: one inte ger step on arduino analog translates to mA (example 4.9 37 100 some radios have not a neutral point centered on 1500. can be changed here define MIDRC 1500 Servo Refreshrates Default 50Hz Servo refresh rate define SERVORFR50HZ up to 160Hz servo refreshrate. works with the most analog servos define SERVORFR160HZ up to 300Hz refreshrate it is as fast as possible (100-300Hz depending on the cound of used servos and the servos state). for use with digital servos dont use it with analog servos thay may get damage. (some will work but be careful) define SERVORFR300HZ HW PWM Servos HW PWM Servo outputs for Arduino Mega. moves: Pitch pin 44 Roll pin 45 CamTrig pin 46 SERVO4 pin 11 (assigned to PPM or SPECTRUM CH9 on copter configuration) SERVO5 pin 12 (assigned to PPM or SPECTRUM CH10 on copter configuration) this option disable other software PWMs for servos - only five hardware controlled servos avaliable define MEGAHWPWMSERVOS Set the Low Pass Filter factor for ACC Increasing this value would reduce ACC noise (visible in GUI), but would increase ACC lag time Comment this out if you want to set a specific coeff (non default) define ACCLPFFACTOR 100 Set the Low Pass Filter factor for Magnetometer Increasing this value would reduce Magnetometer noise (not visible in GUI), but would increase Magnetometer lag time Comment this out if you want to set a specific coeff (non default) define MGLPFFACTOR 4 Set the Gyro Weight for GyroAcc complementary filter Increasing this value would reduce and delay Acc influence on the output of the filter Comment this out if you want to set a specific coeff (non default) define GYRCMPFFACTOR 400.0f Set the Gyro Weight for GyroMagnetometer complementary filter Increasing this value would reduce and delay Magnetometer influence on the output of the filter Comment this out if you want to set a specific coeff (non default) define GYRCMPFMFACTOR 200.0f to log values like max loop time and others to come logging values are visible via LCD config set to 2, if you want powerconsumption on a per motor basis (this uses the big array and is a memory hog, if POWERMETER ltgt PMSOFT) define LOGVALUES 1 to add debugging code not needed and not recommended for normal operation will add extra code that may slow down the main loop or make copter non-flyable define DEBUG Use this to trigger LCD configuration without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly with this activated define LCDCONFDEBUG Use this to trigger telemetry without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly with this activated define LCDTELEMETRYDEBUG This form rolls between all screens, LCD TELEMETRYAUTO must also be defined. define LCDTELEMETRYDEBUG 6 This form stays on the screen specified. to calibrate all ESCs connected to MWii at the same time (useful to avoid unpluggingre-plugging each ESC) Warning: this creates a special version of MultiWii Code You cannot fly with this special version. It is only to be used for calibrating ESCs Read How To at code. googlepmultiwiiwikiESCsCalibration define ESCCALIBLOW MINCOMMAND define ESCCALIBHIGH 1950 define ESCCALIBWAITTIME 4000 define ESCCALIBCANNOTFLY uncomment to activate internal frequencies frequenies for rare cyclic actions in the main loop, depend on cycle time time base is main loop cycle time - a value of 6 means to trigger the action every 6th run through the main loop example: with cycle time of approx 3ms, do action every 63ms18ms value must be 1 65535 define LCDTELEMETRYFREQ 23 to send telemetry data over serial 23 ltgt 60ms ltgt 16Hz (only sending interlaced, so 8Hz update rate) define LCDTELEMETRYAUTOFREQ 667 to step to next telemetry page 667 ltgt 2s define PSENSORFREQ 6 to read hardware powermeter sensor 6 ltgt 18ms define VBATFREQ PSENSORFREQ to read battery voltage - keep equal to PSENSORFREQ unless you know what you are doing define FIXEDCYCLETIME 0 minimum cycle time for development only: to allow f or easier and reproducable config sets for test compiling, different sets of config parameters are kept together. This is meant to help detecting compile time errors for various features in a coordinated way. It is not meant to produce your flying firmware To use: - do not set any options in config. h, - enable with define COPTERTEST 1, then compile - if possible, check for the size - repeat with other values of 2, 3, 4 etc. define COPTERTEST 1 Ostatnio zmieniony niedziela 27 sty 2013, 22:44 przez Adasko. cznie zmieniany 1 razMultiWii SE v2.1 Setup Help Needed :) Hello First time poster - long time reader Still not able to get this set right. I have been thru this and few other posts forums out there. With this board listed below with ALL the current equipment I am using I now have the green light, the red light and now the blue light continues to flash. I had it at one time working with the transmitter very well - no gyro or acc baro - but the motors were responding correctly Then found the Newbies guide - thought I had it all made Had the ability to arm dis arm - was able to get all motors to run correct AND the gyro quotseemedquot to be working - note that this is all tested with NO props - what ever side tilted - I could hear that motor spin faster - Good Then connected up to MultiWiiconf21 - saw that motors 1 amp 2 were showing to be running almost full and 3 about right. Motors 4 amp 6 were about 14 of what 1 amp 2 showed and 5 was just quotjumping from zero to full eracticly. Again all this showing in MultiWiiconf21. Also quotPitch and Rollquot as well as diagram of my HeXa moving randomly all over the place. The graph - again, bouncing all over - So, I tried the Online configurator - panoramaic. seconfigurator2.1 and now i have nothing. Green light on steady, Red light on steady, Blue Light Blinking non stop. unable to even arm. Assim. I come to you, the users and much more experienced people with this - HELP LOL Does anyone have this setup or close with a good quotworkingquot Firmware amp valid configH files that they would post or send me to use I would like ALL to work as listed in parts below - but would be very happy at this point just to gett motors and gyrobaroacc to work correctly. And worry about the GPS and IC2 and LCD can work on as we go. I have followed many threads - links - even youtube vids and this is as far as I can get on my own. Crius MWC MultiWii Standard V2.0 SE Flight Controller Board Firmware V2.1 - Small size,35x35mm mounting holes - 6 input channels for standard receiver and PPM SUM receiver - Up to 8-axis motor output - 2 servos output for PITCH and ROLL gimbal system - A servos output to trigger a camera button - A FTDIUART TTL socket for debug, upload firmware or LCD display - A I2C socket for extend sensor, I2C LCDOLED display or CRIUS I2c-GPS NAV board - Separate 3.3V and 5V LDO voltage regulator - ATMega 328P Microcontroller - ITG3205 3-axis MEMS gyro - MPU6050 6 axis gyroaccel with Motion Processing Unit - HMC5883L 3-axis digital magnetometer - BMP085 digital pressure sensor - On board logic level converter SUNNYSKY V2216-11 900KV brushless motors X 6 with APC style 12x3.8quot props Hobbywing skywalker 40A ESC Xx ATG 650-X6-16 16mm arm Hex rotor Hexa fordling frame hex in quotXquot style I2C-GPS NAV Module: - All GPS data available via the I2C bus to connect to 328P Multiwii FC - A LED on board sho w GPS 3D Fix status - ATMega 328P Microcontroller - 2 Molex 1.25mm 4Pin socket for GPS receiver and FC - 2 port for ISP and FTDI Other - Dimension: 20mmX30mm - Height: 5mm - Weight:2.4g5g(include cable) - Hole diameter: 3mm - Standalone GPS receiver - U-blox NEO-6M GPS module - Build in 18X18mm active GPS antenna - UART TTL socket - Rechargeable battery for Backup Other - Dimension: 22mmX30mm - Height: 13mm - Weight:12g14.4g(include cable) - Hole diameter: 3mm CRIUS CO-16 OLED Display Module - High brightness, self-emission, high contrast ratio - monochrome 12864 dot - 5V I2C interface - Used for telemetry and debug MultiWii FC. - Dimension: 27mmX27mm - Height: 6.5mm - Weight:3.7g4.9g(include cable) More links for info: Have the MWC multiwii standard SE ( none I2c pin version) 2.0 i myself tried 2.1 gui, it failed to work at all. in the end i had to download MW-WINGUI 1.4. i never upgraded firmware and being newbie to FC boards not much clue. the multiwii 1.4 works fine, BUT i found out multiwii 2.1 does not work with vista machines. multiwii 1.4 does it all have baro, accels, mag, gyros all sending and recieving data, just no map function. my board came preloaded, no instructions no firmware hints, nada and i am to wary of flashing new firmware if board already works as intended. added a couple images for you. my board and it running in wingui 1.4, will also leave the sensor info from my board to. ATMEGA328P microcontroller ITG3205 three-axis digital gyroscope BMA180 triaxial accelerometer BMP085 pressure sensor HMC5883L three-axis mag MWC multiwii SE standard edition 2.0. here it runs on wingui 1.4 ( 2.0dev when loads chose the option) got this board, said it was a Crius se, was a little let down when this ZMR turned up Originally Posted by Test Pilot Mafia yes i think we can get your system working. Ill need to know what youve changed so far though. Have downloaded the 2.1 zip file -- are you able to start and use the 2.1 configurator -- did you send the 2.1 code to the board -- are you able to see teh icon of your vehical type appear in the lower right of the congiurator -- what Aruino version asre you using Though it jumps all over the place Tried 1.01, then 1.03 - currently using 1.52. My ConfigH file in use is: this file consists of several sections to create a working combination you must at least make your choices in section 1. 1 - BASIC SETUP - you must select an option in every block. this assumes you have 4 channels connected to your board with standard ESCs and servos. 2 - COPTER TYPE SPECIFIC OPTIONS - you likely want to check for options for your copter type 3 - RC SYSTEM SETUP 4 - ALTERNATE CPUs amp BOARDS - if you have 5 - ALTERNATE SETUP - select alternate RX (SBUS, PPM, etc.), alternate ESC-range, etc. here 6 - OPTIONAL FEATURES - enable nice to have features here (FlightModes, LCD, telemetry, battery monitor etc.) 7 - TUNING amp DEVELOPER - if you know what you are doing you have been warned Notes: 1. parameters marked with () in the comment are stored in eeprom and can be tweaked via serial monitor or LCD. Changing those values in config. h and upload will require a Reset from the GUI to take effect The type of multicopter define GIMBAL define BI define TRI define QUADP define QUADX define Y4 define Y6 define HEX6 define HEX6X define HEX6H New Model define OCTOX8 define OCTOFLATP define OCTOFLATX define FLYINGWING define VTAIL4 define AIRPLANE define SINGLECOPTER define DUALCOPTER define HELI120CCPM define HELI90DEG Motor minthrottle Set the minimum throttle command sent to the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) This is the minimum value that allow motors to run at a idle speed define MINTHROTTLE 1300 for Turnigy Plush ESCs 10A define MINTHROTTLE 1120 for Super Simple ESCs 10A define MINTHROTTLE 1064 special ESC (simonk) define MINTHROTTLE 1050 for brushed ESCs like ladybird define MINTHROTTLE 1150 () Motor maxthrottle this is the maximum value for the ESCs at full power, this value can be increased up to 2000 define MAXTHROTTLE 1850 Mincommand this is the value for the ESCs when they are not armed in some cases, this value must be lowered down to 900 for some specific ESCs, otherwise they failed to initiate define MINCOMMAND 1000 I2C speed define I2CSPEED 100000L 100kHz normal mode, this value must be used for a genuine WMP define I2CSPEED 400000L 400kHz fast mode, it works only with some WMP clones Internal i2c Pullups enable internal I2C pull ups (in most cases it is better to use external pullups) define INTERNALI2CPULLUPS Combined IMU Boards if you use a specific sensor board: please submit any correction to this list. Note from Alex: I only own some boards, for other boards, Im not sure, the info was gathered via rc forums, be cautious define FFIMUv1 first 9DOFbaro board from Jussi, with HMC5843 lt - confirmed by Alex define FFIMUv2 second version of 9DOFbaro board from Jussi, with HMC5883 lt - confirmed by Alex define FREEIMUv1 v0.1 amp v0.2 amp v0.3 version of 9DOF board from Fabio define FREEIMUv03 FreeIMU v0.3 and v0.3.1 define FREEIMUv035 FreeIMU v0.3.5 no baro define FREEIMUv035MS FreeIMU v0.3.5MS lt - confirmed by Alex define FREEIMUv035BMP FreeIMU v0.3.5BMP define FREEIMUv04 FreeIMU v0.4 with MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA lt - confirmed by Alex define FREEIMUv043 same as FREEIMUv04 with final MPU6050 (with the right ACC scale) define NANOWII the smallest multiwii FC based on MPU6050 pro micro based proc lt - confirmed by Alex define PIPO 9DOF board from erazz define QUADRINO full FC board 9DOFbaro board from witespy with BMP085 baro lt - confirmed by Alex define QUADRINOZOOM full FC board 9DOFbaro board from witespy second edition define QUADRINOZOOMMS full FC board 9DOFbaro board from witespy second edition lt - confirmed by Alex define ALLINONE full FC board or standalone 9DOFbaro board from CSGEU define AEROQUADSHIELDv2 define ATAVRSBIN1 Atmel 9DOF (Contribution by EOSBandi). requires 3.3V power. define SIRIUS Sirius Navigator IMU lt - confirmed by Alex define SIRIUSGPS Sirius Navigator IMU using external MAG on GPS board lt - confirmed by Alex define SIRIUS600 Sirius Navigator IMU using the WMP for the gyro define MINIWII Jussis MiniWii Flight Controller lt - confirmed by Alex define MICROWII MicroWii 10DOF with ATmega32u4, MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA from flyduino. net define CITRUSv21 CITRUS from qcrc. ca define CHERRY6DOFv10 define DROTEK10DOF Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085, w or wo LLC define DROTEK10DOFMS Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, MS5611, LLC define DROTEK6DOFv2 Drotek 6DOF v2 define DROTEK6DOFMPU Drotek 6DOF with MPU6050 define DROTEK10DOFMPU define MONGOOSE10 mongoose 1.0 store. ckdevices define CRIUSLITE Crius MultiWii Lite define CRIUSSE Crius MultiWii SE define OPENLRSv2MULTI OpenLRS v2 Multi Rc Receiver board including ITG3205 and ADXL345 define BOARDPROTO1 with MPU6050 HMC5883L MS baro define BOARDPROTO2 with MPU6 050 slave MAG3110 MS baro define GY80 Chinese 10 DOF with L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085, LLC define GY85 Chinese 9 DOF with ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L LLC define GY86 Chinese 10 DOF with MPU6050 HMC5883L MS5611, LLC define GY521 Chinese 6 DOF with MPU6050, LLC define INNOVWORKS10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085 available here diymulticopter define INNOVWORKS6DOF with ITG3200, BMA180 available here diymulticopter define MultiWiiMega MEGA MPU6050HMC5883LMS5611 available here diymulticopter define PROTODIY 10DOF mega board define IOIMINIMULTIWII bambucopter define Bobs6DOFV1 BobsQuads 6DOF V1 with ITG3200 amp BMA180 define Bobs9DOFV1 BobsQuads 9DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180 amp HMC5883L define Bobs10DOFBMPV1 BobsQuads 10DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883L amp BMP180 - BMP180 is software compatible with BMP085 define FLYDUINOMPU define CRIUSAIOPROV1 define DESQUARED6DOFV2GO DEsquared V2 with ITG3200 only define DESQUARED6DOFV4 DEsquared V4 with MPU6050 define LADY BIRD define MEGAWAPV2STD available here: multircshop lt - confirmed by Alex define MEGAWAPV2ADV define HKMultiWiiSEV2 Hobbyking board with MPU6050 HMC5883L BMP085 define HKMultiWii328P Also labeled quotHobbybroquot on the back. ITG3205 BMA180 BMP085 NMC5583L DSM2 Connector (Spektrum Satellite) define RCNetFC RCNet FC with MPU6050 and MS561101BA rcnet define FLYDUULTRA MEGA10DOFMT3339 FC independent sensors leave it commented if you already checked a specific board above I2C gyroscope define WMP define ITG3200 define L3G4200D define MPU6050 combo ACC I2C accelerometer define NUNCHUCK if you want to use the nunckuk connected to a WMP define MMA7455 define ADXL345 define BMA020 define BMA180 define NUNCHACK if you want to use the nunckuk as a standalone I2C ACC without WMP define LIS3LV02 define LSM303DLxACC define MMA8451Q I2C barometer define BMP085 define MS561101BA I2C magnetometer define HMC5843 define HMC5883 define AK8975 define MAG3110 Sonar for visualization purpose currently - no control code behind define SRF02 use the Devantech SRF i2c sensors define SRF08 define SRF10 define SRF23 ADC accelerometer for 5DOF from sparkfun, uses analog PIN A1A2A3 define ADCACC Board orient ation shift If you have frame designed only for mode and you cannot rotate FC phisycally for flying in X mode (or vice versa) you can use one of of this options for virtual sensors rotation by 45 deegres, then set type of multicopter according to flight mode. Check motors order and directions of motors rotation for matching with new front point Uncomment only one option define SENSORSTILT45DEGRIGHT rotate the FRONT 45 degres clockwise define SENSORSTILT45DEGLEFT rotate the FRONT 45 degres counterclockwise TRI define YAWDIRECTION 1 define YAWDIRECTION -1 if you want to reverse the yaw correction direction you can change the tricopter servo travel here define TRIYAWCONSTRAINTMIN 1020 define TRIYAWCONSTRAINTMAX 2000 define TRIYAWMIDDLE 1500 () tail servo center pos. - use this for initial trim later trim midpoint via LCD BI you can change the bicopter servo travel direction here define BIPITCHDIRECTION 1 define BIPITCHDIRECTION -1 ARMDISARM optionally disable stick combinations to armdisarm the motors. In most cases one of the two options to armdisarm via TX stick is sufficient define ALLOWARMDISARMVIATXYAW define ALLOWARMDISARMVIATXROLL Cam Stabilisation The following lines apply only for a pitchroll tilt stabilization system. Uncomment the first or second line to activate it define SERVOMIXTILT define SERVOTILT define TILTPITCHMIN 1020 servo travel min, dont set it below 1020 define TILTPITCHMAX 2000 servo travel max, max value2000 define TILTPITCHMIDDLE 1500 servo neutral value define TILTPITCHPROP 10 servo proportional (tied to angle) can be negative to invert movement define TILTPITCHAUXCH AUX3 AUX channel to overwrite CAM pitch (AUX1-AUX4), comment to disable manual input and free the AUX channel define TILTROLLMIN 1020 define TILTROLLMAX 2000 define TILTROLLMIDDLE 1500 define TILTROLLPROP 10 define TILTROLLAUXCH AUX4 AUX channel to overwrite CAM Roll (AUX1-AUX4), comment to disable manual input and free the AUX channel camera trigger function. activated via Rc Options in the GUI, servo outputA2 on promini define CAMTRIG define CAMSERVOHIGH 2000 the position of HIGH state servo define CAMSERVOLOW 1020 the position of LOW state servo define CAMTIMEHIGH 1000 the duration of HIGH state servo expressed in ms define CAMTIMELOW 1000 the duration of LOW state servo expressed in ms Flying Wing you can change change servo orientation and servo minmax values here valid for all flight modes, even passThrough mode need to setup servo directions here no need to swap servos amongst channels at rx define PITCHDIRECTIONL 1 left servo - pitch orientation define PITCHDIRECTIONR -1 right servo - pitch orientation (opposite sign to PITCHDIRECTIONL, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation) define ROLLDIRECTIONL 1 left servo - roll orientation define ROLLDIRECTIONR 1 right servo - roll orientation (same sign as ROLLDIRECTIONL, if servos are mounted in mirrored orientation) define WINGLEFTMID 1500 () left servo center pos. - use this for initial trim later trim midpoint via LCD define WINGRIGHTMID 1500 () right servo center pos. - use this for initial trim later trim midpoint via LCD define WINGLEFTMIN 1020 limit servo travel range must be inside 10202000 define WINGLEFTMAX 2000 limit servo travel range must be inside 10202000 define WINGRIGHTMIN 1020 limit servo travel range must be inside 10202000 define WINGRIGHTMAX 2000 limit servo travel range must be inside 10202000 Airplane define USETHROTTLESERVO For use of standard 50Hz servo on throttle. define SERVORATES Rates in 0-100 define SERVODIRECTION Invert servos by setting -1 define FLAPPERONS AUX4 Mix Flaps with Aileroins. define FLAPPERONEP Endpooints for flaps on a 2 way switch else set and program in radio. define FLAPPERONEP Or Flapperons up for CrowMix define FLAPPERONINVERT Change direction om flapperons define FLAPS AUX4 Traditional Flaps on A2 invert with SERVODIRECTION servo2). define FLAPEP Endpooints for flaps on a 2 way switch else set and program in radio. define FLAPSPEED 3 Make flaps move slowm Higher value is Higher Speed. Common for Heli amp Airplane define D12POWER Use D12 on PROMINI to power sensors. Will disable servo4 on D12 define SERVOOFFSET () Adjust Servo MID Offset amp Swash angles Selectable channels: ROLL, PITCH, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4 Governor: attempts to maintain rpm through pitch and voltage changes predictive approach: observe input signals and voltage and guess appropriate corrections. (the throttle curve must leave room for the governor, so 0-50-75-80-80 is ok, 0-50-95-100-100 is not ok. Can be toggled via aux switch. define GOVERNORP 7 () proportional factor. Higher value - gt higher throttle increase. Must be gt1 0 turn off define GOVERNORD 4 () decay timing. Higher value - gt takes longer to return throttle to normal. Must be gt1 define GOVERNORR 10 () voltage impact correction scale in 0.1 units. Higher value - gt more compensation for voltage drops. normal is value 10 ltgt 1.0 0 is off Heli Channel to control CollectivePitch define COLLECTIVEPITCH THROTTLE Set Maximum available movement for the servos. Depending on model define SERVOENDPOINTHIGH define SERVOENDPOINTLOW Limit the range of Collective Pitch. 100 is Full Range each way and position for Zero Pitch define COLLECTIVERANGE . define YAWCENTER 1500 Use servo5 SERVOENDPOINTHIGHLOW for the endpoits. define YAWMOTOR 0 If a motor is used as YAW Set to 1 else set to 0. Servo mixing for heli 1 20 Use 110 fractions (ex.5 510 12) define SERVONICK define SERVOLEFT define SERVORIGHT Servo mixing for heli 90 define SERVODIRECTIONS -1 will invert servo Limit Maximum controll for Roll amp Nick in 0-100 define CONTROLRANGE use servo code to drive the throttle output. You want this for analog servo driving the throttle on IC engines. if inactive, throttle output will be treated as a motor output, so it can drive an ESC define HELIUSESERVOFORTHROTTLE Single and DualCopter Settings Change to -1 to reverse servomovement per axis Servosettings for SingleCopter define SINGLECOPTRERYAW Left, Right, Front, Rear define SINGLECOPTRERSERVO Pitch, Pitch, Roll, Roll Servosettings for DualCopter define DUALCOPTERSERVO Pitch, Roll Use SERVOOFFSET and SERVORATES in Heli and Airplane section for centering and endpoints note: no need to uncomment something in this section if you use a standard receiver PPM Sum Reciver The following lines apply only for specific receiver with only one PPM sum signal, on digital PIN 2 Select the right line depending on your radio brand. Feel free to modify the order in your PPM order is different define SERIALSUMPPM PITCH, YAW, THROTTLE, ROLL, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10 ,11 For GraupnerSpektrum define SERIALSUMPPM ROLL, PITCH, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10 ,11 For RobeHitecFutaba define SERIALSUMPPM ROLL, PITCH, YAW, THROTTLE, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10 ,11 For Multiplex define SERIALSUMPPM PITCH, ROLL, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10 ,11 For some HitecSanwaOthers Uncommenting following line allow to connect PPMSUM receiver to standard THROTTLE PIN on MEGA boards (eg. A8 in CRIUS AIO) define PPMONTHROTTLE Spektrum Satellite Reciver The following lines apply only for Spektrum Satellite Receiver Spektrum Satellites are 3V devices. DO NOT connect to 5V For MEGA boards, attach sat grey wire to RX1, pin 19. Sat black wire to ground. Sat orange wire to Mega boards 3.3V (or any other 3V to 3.3V source). For PROMINI, attach sat grey to RX0. Attach sat black to ground. define SPEKTRUM 1024 define SPEKTRUM 2048 define SPEKSERIALPORT 1 Forced to 0 on Pro Mini and single serial boards Set to your choice of 0, 1, or 2 on any Mega based board (defaults to 1 on Mega). Defines that allow a quotBindquot of a Spektrum or Compatible Remote Receiver (aka Satellite) via Configuration GUI. Bind mode will be same as declared above, if your TX is capable. Ground, Power, and Signal must come from three adjacent pins. By default, these are Ground4, Power5, Signal6. These pins are in a row on most MultiWii shield boards. Pins can be overriden below. Normally use 3.3V regulator is needed on the power pin. If your satellite hangs during bind (blinks, but wont complete bind with a solid light), go direct 5V on all pins. For Pro Mini, the connector for the Satellite that resides on the FTDI can be unplugged and moved to these three adjacent pins. define SPEKBIND Un-Comment for Spektrum Satellie Bind Support. Code is 420 bytes smaller without it. define SPEKBINDGROUND 4 define SPEKBINDPOWER 5 define SPEKBINDDATA 6 SBUS RECIVER The following line apply only for Futaba S-Bus Receiver on MEGA boards at RX1 only (Serial 1). You have to invert the S-Bus-Serial Signal e. g. with a Hex-Inverter like IC SN74 LS 04 define SBUS RC signal from the serial port via Multiwii Serial Protocol define RCSERIAL Hexa Motor 5 amp 6 Pins PIN A0 and A1 instead of PIN D5 amp D6 for 6 motors config and promini config This mod allow the use of a standard receiver on a pro mini (no need to use a PPM sum receiver) define A0A1PINHEX Aux 2 Pin possibility to use PIN8 or PIN12 as the AUX2 RC input (only one, not both) it deactivates in this case the POWER PIN (pin 12) or the BUZZER PIN (pin 8) define RCAUXPIN8 define RCAUXPIN12 pin Layout activate this for a better pinlayout if all pins can be used gt not possible on ProMicro define A32U4ALLPINS PWM Setup activate all 6 hardware PWM outputs Motor 5 D11 and 6 D13. note: not possible on the sparkfun promicro (pin 11 amp 13 are not broken out there) if activated: Motor 1-6 10-bit hardware PWM Motor 7-8 8-bit Software PWM Servos 8-bit Software PWM if deactivated: Motor 1-4 10-bit hardware PWM Motor 5-8 10-bit Software PWM Servos 10-bit Software PWM define HWPWM6 aux2 pin on pin D17 (RXLED) define RCAUX2PIND17 Buzzer Pin this moves the Buzzer pin from TXO to D8 for use with ppm sum or spectrum sat. RX (not needed if A32U4ALLPINS is active) define D8BUZZER Promicro version related Inverted status LED for Promicro ver 10 define PROMICRO10 only enable any of this if you must change the default pin assignment, e. g. your board does not have a specific pin you may need to change PINx and PORTx plus shift according to the desired pin define OVERRIDEVBATPIN A0 instead of A3 Analog PIN 3 define OVERRIDELEDPINPINMODE pinMode (A1, OUTPUT) use A1 instead of d13 define OVERRIDELEDPINTOGGLE PINC 1ltlt1 PINB 1ltlt5 switch LEDPIN state (digital PIN 13) define OVERRIDELEDPINOFF PORTC amp (1ltlt1) PORTB amp (1ltlt5) define OVERRIDELEDPINON PORTC 1ltlt1 was PORTB (1ltlt5) define OVERRIDEBUZZERPINPINMODE pinMode (A2, OUTPUT) use A2 instead of d8 define OVERRIDEBUZZERPINON PORTC 1ltlt2 PORTB 1 define OVERRIDEBUZZERPINOFF PORTC amp (1ltlt2) PORTB amp Serial com speed This is the speed of the serial interfaces define SERIAL0COMSPEED 115200 define SERIAL1COMSPEED 115200 define SERIAL2COMSPEED 115200 define SERIAL3COMSPEED 115200 interleaving delay in micro seconds between 2 readings WMPNK in a WMPNK config if the ACC calibration time is very long (20 or 30s), try to increase this delay up to 400 0 it is relevent only for a conf with NK define INTERLEAVINGDELAY 3000 when there is an error on I2C bus, we neutralize the values during a short time. expressed in microseconds it is relevent only for a conf with at least a WMP define NEUTRALIZEDELAY 100000 Lowpass filter for some gyros ITG3200 amp ITG3205 Low pass filter setting. In case you cannot eliminate all vibrations to the Gyro, you can try to decrease the LPF frequency, only one step per try. As soon as twitching gone, stick with that setting. It will not help on feedback wobbles, so change only when copter is randomly twiching and all dampening and balancing options ran out. Uncomment only one option IMPORTANT Change low pass filter setting changes PID behaviour, so retune your PIDs after changing LPF. define ITG3200LPF256HZ This is the default setting, no need to uncomment, just for reference define ITG3200LPF188HZ define ITG3200LPF98HZ define ITG3200LPF42HZ define ITG3200LPF20HZ define ITG3200LPF10HZ Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors andor props MPU6050 Low pass filter setting. In case you cannot eliminate all vibrations to the Gyro, you can try to decrease the LPF frequency, only one step per try. As soon as twitching gone, stick with that setting. It will not help on feedback wobbles, so change only when copter is randomly twiching and all dampening and balancing options ran out. Uncomment only one option IMPORTANT Change low pass filter setting changes PID behaviour, so retune your PIDs after changing LPF. define MPU6050LPF256HZ This is the default setting, no need to uncomment, just for reference define MPU6050LPF188HZ define MPU6050LPF98HZ define MPU6050LPF42HZ define MPU6050LPF20HZ define MPU6050LPF10HZ define MPU6050LPF5HZ Use this only in extreme cases, rather change motors andor props Gyro smoothing GYROSMOOTHING. In case you cannot reduce vibrations and after you have tried the low pass filter options, you may try this gyro smoothing via averaging. Not suitable for multicopters Good results for helicopter, airplanes and flying wings (foamies) with lots of vibrations. define GYROSMOOTHING () separate averaging ranges for roll, pitch, yaw Moving Average Gyros define MMGYRO 10 () Active Moving Average Function for Gyros define MMGYROVECTORLENGTH 15 Length of Moving Average Vector (maximum value for tunable MMGYRO Moving Average ServoGimbal Signal Output define MMSERVOGIMBAL Active Output Moving Average Function for Servos Gimbal define MMSERVOGIMBALVECTORLENGHT 32 Lenght of Moving Average Vector continuous gyro calibration Gyrocalibration will be repeated if copter is moving during calibration. define GYROCALIBRATIONFAILSAFE AP FlightMode Temporarily Disables GPSHOLDMODE to be able to make it possible to adjust the Hold-position when moving the sticks. define APMODE 40 Create a deadspan for GPS. Assisted AcroTrainer Train Acro with auto recovery. Value set the point where ANGLEMODE takes over. Remember to activate ANGLEMODE first. A Value on 200 will give a very distinct transfer define ACROTRAINERMODE 200 multiwiiforumviewto. am pt1944p17437 Failsafe settings Failsafe check pulses on four main control channels CH1-CH4. If the pulse is missing or bellow 985us (on any of these four channels) the failsafe procedure is initiated. After FAILSAFEDELAY time from failsafe detection, the level mode is on (if ACC or nunchuk is avaliable), PITCH, ROLL and YAW is centered and THROTTLE is set to FAILSAFETHR0TTLE value. You must set this value to descending about 1ms or so for best results. This value is depended from your configuration, AUW and some other params. Next, afrer FAILSAFEOFFDELAY the copter is disarmed, and motors is stopped. If RC pulse coming back before reached FAILSAFEOFFDELAY time, after the small quard time the RC control is returned to normal. define FAILSAFE uncomment to activate the failsafe function define FAILSAFEDELAY 10 Guard time for failsafe activation after signal lost. 1 step 0.1sec - 1sec in example define FAILSAFEOFFDELAY 200 Time for Landing before motors stop in 0.1sec. 1 step 0.1sec - 20sec in example define FAILSAFETHROTTLE (MINTHROTTLE 200) () Throttle level used for landing - may be relative to MINTHROTTLE - as in this case LED FLASHER define LEDFLASHER define LEDFLASHERDDR DDRB define LEDFLASHERPORT PORTB define LEDFLASHERBIT PORTB4 define LEDFLASHERINVERT define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCE 0b00000000 leds OFF define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCEARMED 0b00000101 create double flashes define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCEMAX 0b11111111 full illumination define LEDFLASHERSEQUENCELOW 0b00000000 no illumination Landing lights Landing lights Use an output pin to control landing lights. They can be switched automatically when used in conjunction with altitude data from a sonar unit. define LANDINGLIGHTSDDR DDRC define LANDINGLIGHTSPORT PORTC define LANDINGLIGHTSBIT PORTC0 define LANDINGLIGHTSINVERT altitude above ground (in cm) as reported by sonar define LANDINGLIGHTSAUTOALTITUDE 50 adopt the flasher pattern for landing light LEDs define LANDINGLIGHTSADOPTLEDFLASHERPATTERN INFLIGHT ACC Calibration This will activate the ACC-Inflight calibration if unchecked define INFLIGHTACCCALIBRATION Disable WMP power pin disable use of the POWER PIN (allready done if the option RCAUXPIN12 is selected) define DISABLEPOWERPIN introduce a deadband around the stick center Must be greater than zero, comment if you dont want a deadband on roll, pitch and yaw define DEADBAND 6 defines the neutral zone of throttle stick during altitude hold, default setting is -40 uncommend and change the value below if you want to change it. define ALTHOLDTHROTTLENEUTRALZONE 40 GPS using a SERIAL port if enabled, define here the Arduino Serial port number and the UART speed note: only the RX PIN is used in case of NMEA mode, the GPS is not configured by multiwii in NMEA mode the GPS must be configured to output GGA and RMC NMEA sentences (which is generally the default conf for most GPS devices) at least 5Hz update rate. uncomment the first line to select the GPS serial port of the arduino define GPSSERIAL 2 should be 2 for flyduino v2. Its the serial port number on arduino MEGA define GPSBAUD 57600 define GPSBAUD 115200 GPS protocol NMEA - Standard NMEA protocol GGA, GSA and RMC sentences are needed UBLOX - U-Blox binary protocol, use the ublox config file (u-blox-config. ublox. txt) from the source tree MTKBINARY16 and MTKBINARY19 - MTK3329 chipset based GPS with DIYDrones binary firmware (v1.6 or v1.9) With UBLOX and MTKBINARY you dont have to use GPSFILTERING in multiwii code. define NMEA define UBLOX define MTKBINARY16 define MTKBINARY19 define INITMTKGPS initialize MTK GPS for using selected speed, 5Hz update rate and GGA amp RMC sentence or binary settings define GPSPROMINISERIAL 57600 Will Autosense if GPS is connected when ardu boots I2C GPS device made with an independant arduino GPS device including some navigation functions contribution from EOSBandi code. googlepi2c-gps-nav You have to use at least I2CGpsNav code r33 define I2CGPS I2C GPS device made with an indeedent ATTiny24313 GPS device and optional sonar device. githubwertarbytetiny-gps get GPS data from Tiny-GPS define TINYGPS get sonar data from Tiny-GPS define TINYGPSSONAR GPS data readed from Misio-OSD - GPS module connected to OSD, and MultiWii read GPS data from OSD - tested and working OK. define GPSFROMOSD indicate a valid GPS fix with at least 5 satellites by flashing the LED - Modified by MIS - Using stable LED (YELLOW on CRIUS AIO) led work as sat number indicator - No GPS FIX - gt LED blink at speed of incoming GPS frames - Fix and sat no. bellow 5 - gt LED off - Fix and sat no. gt 5 - gt LED blinks, one blink for 5 sat, two blinks for 6 sat, three for 7. define GPSLEDINDICATOR define USEMSPWP Enables the MSPWP command, which is used by WinGUI to display and log Home and Poshold positions define DONTRESETHOMEATARM HOME position is reset at every arm, uncomment it to prohibit it (you can set home position with GyroCalibration) GPS navigation can control the heading define NAVCONTROLSHEADING true copter faces toward the navigation point, maghold must be enabled for it define NAVTAILFIRST false true - copter comes in with tail first define NAVSETTAKEOFFHEADING true true - when copter arrives to home position it rotates its head to takeoff direction Get your magnetic decliniation from here. magnetic-declination Convert the degreeminutes into decimal degree by gt degreeminutes(160) Note the sign on declination it could be negative or positive (WEST or EAST) define MAGDECLINIATION 3.96f For Budapest Hungary. define MAGDECLINIATION 0.0f define GPSLEADFILTER Adds a forward predictive filterig to compensate gps lag. Code based on Jason Shorts lead filter implementation define GPSFILTERING add a 5 element moving average filter to GPS coordinates, helps eliminate gps noise but adds latency comment out to disable define GPSWPRADIUS 200 if we are within this distance to a waypoint then we consider it reached (distance is in cm) define NAVSLEWRATE 30 Adds a rate control to nav output, will smoothen out nav angle spikes uncomment this line if you plan to use a LCD or OLED define LCDCONF to include setting the aux switches for AUX1 - gt AUX4 via LCD define LCDCONFAUX if program gets too large (gt32k), need to exclude some functionality uncomment to suppress some unwanted aux3 aux4 items in config menu (only useful if LCDCONFAUX is enabled) define SUPPRESSLCDCONFAUX34 The type of LCD choice of LCD attached for configuration and telemetry, see notes below define LCDDUMMY No Physical LCD attached. With this amp LCDCONF defined, TX sticks still work to set gains, by watching LED blink. define LCDSERIAL3W Alex initial variant with 3 wires, using rx-pin for transmission 9600 baud fixed define LCDTEXTSTAR SERIAL LCD: Cats Whisker LCDTEXTSTAR Module CW-LCD-02 (Which has 4 input keys for selecting menus) define LCDVT100 SERIAL LCD: vt100 compatible terminal emulation (blueterm, putty, etc.) define LCDTTY SERIAL LCD: useful to tweak parameters over cable with arduino IDE serial monitor define LCDETPP I2C LCD: Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD, which is i2c (not serial) define LCDLCD03 I2C LCD: LCD03, which is i2c define OLEDI2C128x64 I2C LCD: OLED multiwiiforumviewtopic. phpf7ampt1350 Logo settings define SUPPRESSOLEDI2C128x64LOGO suppress display of OLED logo to save memory double font height for better readability. Reduces visible lines by half. The lower part of each page is accessible under the name of shifted keyboard letter : 1 -. 2 - . 3 - . 4 - . 5 - . 6 - . 7 - amp. 8 - . 9 - ( You must add both to your lcd. telemetry. sequences define DISPLAYFONTDSIZE currently only aplicable for OLEDI2C128x64 style of display - AUTODETECTED via LCD setting - only activate to override defaults define DISPLAY2LINES define DISPLAYMULTILINE define MULTILINEPRE 2 multiline configMenu pref lines define MULTILINEPOST 6 multiline configMenu post lines Navigation keys to navigate the LCD menu define LCDMENUPREV p define LCDMENUNEXT n define LCDVALUEUP u define LCDVALUEDOWN d define LCDMENUSAVEEXIT s define LCDMENUABORT x To use an LCD03 for configuration: robot-electronics. co. ukhtmLcd03tech. htm Remove the jumper on its back to set i2c control. VCC to 5V VCC (pin1 from top) SDA - Pin A4 Mini Pro - Pin 20 Mega (pin2 from top) SCL - Pin A5 Mini Pro - Pin 21 Mega (pin3 from top) GND to Ground (pin4 from top) To use an Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD for configuration: White wire to Ground Red wire to 5V VCC (or to the WMP power pin, if you prefer to reset everything on th e bus when WMP resets) Yellow wire to SDA - Pin A4 Mini Pro - Pin 20 Mega Brown wire to SCL - Pin A5 Mini Pro - Pin 21 Mega Cats whisker LCDTEXTSTAR LCD Pleae note this display needs a full 4 wire connection to (5V, Gnd, RXD, TXD ) Configure display as follows: 115K baud, and TTL levels for RXD and TXD, terminal mode NO rx tx line reconfiguration, use natural pins. The four buttons sending A, B, C, D are supported for configuration navigation and request of telemetry pages 1-4 to monitor system values (battery level, loop time etc. with LCD enable this note: for now you must send single characters to request different pages Buttons toggle request for page onoff The active page on the LCD does get updated automatically Easy to use with Terminal application or display like LCD - if available uses the 4 preconfigured buttons to send A, B, C, D Activation define LCDTELEMETRY to enable automatic hopping between a choice of telemetry pages uncomment this. This may be useful if your LCD has no buttons or the sending is broken hopping is activated and deactivated in unarmed mode with throttlelow amp rollleft amp pitchforward set it to the sequence of telemetry pages you want to see 2 line displays support pages 1-9 multiline displays support pages 1-5 define LCDTELEMETRYAUTO quot123452679quot pages 1 to 9 in ascending order define LCDTELEMETRYAUT O quot212232425262729quot strong emphasis on page 2 same as above, but manual stepping sequence requires stick input (throttlelow amp rollright amp pitchforward) to step through each defined telemetry page First page of the sequence gets loaded at startup to allow non-interactive display define LCDTELEMETRYSTEP quot0123456789quot should contain a 0 to allow switching off. First page of sequence gets loaded upon startup if program gets too large (gt32k), need to exclude some functionality uncomment to suppress some unwanted telemetry pages (only useful if telemetry is enabled) define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE1 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE2 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE3 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE4 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE5 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE6 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE7 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE8 define SUPPRESSTELEMETRYPAGE9 define RXRSSI define RXRSSIPIN A3 Buzzer define BUZZER define RCOPTIONSBEEP uncomment this if you want the buzzer to beep at any rcOptions change on channel Aux1 to Aux4 define ARMEDTIMEWARNING 330 () Trigger an alarm after a certain time of being armed s to save you lipo (if your TX does not have a countdown) define PILOTLAMP Uncomment if you are using a X-Arcraft Pilot Lamp battery voltage monitoring for V BAT monitoring after the resistor divisor we should get 0V5V-gt01023 on analog VBATPIN with R 133k and R251k vbat 0102316VBATSCALE must be associated with define BUZZER. define VBAT uncomment this line to activate the vbat code define VBATSCALE 131 () change this value if readed Battery voltage is different than real voltage define VBATNOMINAL 126 12,6V full battery nominal voltage - only used for lcd. telemetry define VBATLEVELWARN1 107 () 10,7V define VBATLEVELWARN2 99 () 9.9V define VBATLEVELCRIT 93 () 9.3V - critical condition: if vbat ever goes below this value, permanent alarm is triggered define NOVBAT 16 () Avoid beeping without any battery enable monitoring of the power consumption from battery (think of mAh) allows to set alarm value in GUI or via LCD Full description and howto here multiwiiwikiindex. phptitlePowermeter Two options: 1 - hard: - (uses hardware sensor, after configuration gives very good results) 2 - soft: - (good results -5 for plush and mystery ESCs 2S and 3S, not good with SuperSimple ESC) define POWERMETERSOFT define POWERMETERHARD PLEVELSCALE is the step size you can use to set alarm define PLEVELSCALE 50 if you change this value for other granularity, you must search for comments in code to change accordingly larger PLEVELDIV will get you smaller value for power (mAh equivalent) define PLEVELDIV 5000 () default for soft - if you lower PLEVELDIV, beware of overrun in uint32 pMeter define PLEVELDIVSOFT PLEVELDIV for soft always equal to PLEVELDIV for hard set to 5000 define PSENSORNULL 510 () set to analogRead() value for zero current for I0A my sensor gives 12 Vss that is approx 2.49Volt define PINT2mA 13 () for telemtry display: one integer step on arduino analog translates to mA (example 4.9 37 100 uncomment to disable the altitude hold feature. This is useful if all of the following apply you have a baro want altitude readout do not use altitude hold feature want to save memory space define SUPPRESSBAROALTHOLD Natural alt change for rapid pilots. Its temporary switch OFF the althold when throttle stick is out of deadband defined with ALTHOLDTHROTTLENEUTRALZONE but if its commented: Smooth alt change routine is activated, for slow auto and aerophoto modes (in general solution from alexmos). Its slowly increasedecrease altitude proportional to stick movement (-100 throttle gives about -50 cm in 1 second with cycle time about 3-4ms) define ALTHOLDFASTTHROTTLECHANGE enable to get audio feedback upon risingfalling copterplane. Requires a working baro. For now, Output gets sent to an enabled vt100 terminal program over the serial line. choice of two methods (enable either one or both) method 1. use short term movement from baro ( bigger code size) method 2. use long term observation of altitude from baro (smaller code size) define VARIOMETER 12 possible values: 12 methods 1 amp 2 1 method 1 2 method 2 define SUPPRESSVARIOMETERUP if no signaling for up movement is desired define SUPPRESSVARIOMETERDOWN if no signaling for down movement is desired define VARIOMETERSINGLETONE use only one tone (BEL) neccessary for non-patched vt100 terminals this name is displayed together with the MultiWii version number upon powerup on the LCD. If you are without a DISPLAYD then You may enable LCDTTY and use arduino IDEs serial monitor to view the info. You must preserve the format of this string It must be 16 characters total, The last 4 characters will be overwritten with the version number. define BOARDNAME quotMultiWii V2.10quot 123456789.123456 Support multiple configuration profiles in EEPROM define MULTIPLECONFIGURATIONPROFILES Experimental: force a stable, fixated (high) cycle time when activated, the displayed cycle time in GUI will not be correct. Tunable via LCD config menu. value of 0 turns the feature off. define CYCLETIMEFIXATED 9000 () Part II as forum limits length of Posts some radios have not a neutral point centered on 1500. can be changed here define MIDRC 1500 Servo Refreshrates Default 50Hz Servo refresh rate define SERVORFR50HZ up to 160Hz servo refreshrate. works with the most analog servos define SERVORFR160HZ up to 300Hz refreshrate it is as fast as possible (100-300Hz depending on the cound of used servos and the servos state). for use with digital servos dont use it with analog servos thay may get damage. (some will work but be careful) define SERVORFR300HZ HW PWM Servos HW PWM Servo outputs for Arduino Mega. moves: Pitch pin 44 Roll pin 45 CamTrig pin 46 SERVO4 pin 11 (assigned to PPM or SPECTRUM CH9 on copter configuration) SERVO5 pin 12 (assigned to PPM or SPECTRUM CH10 on copter configuration) this option disable other software PWMs for servos - only five hardware controlled servos avaliable define MEGAHWPWMSERVOS to reduce memory footprint, it is possible to suppress handling of serial commands. This does not affect handling of RXserial, Spektrum or GPS. Those will not be affected and still work the same. Enable either one or both of the following options Remove handling of all commands of the New MultiWii Serial Protocol. This will disable use of the GUI, winGUI, android apps and any other program that makes use of the MSP. You must find another way (like LCDCONF) to tune the parameters or live with the defaults. If you run a LCDOLED via i2c or serialBluetooth, this is safe to use define SUPPRESSALLSERIALMSP saves approx 2700 bytes Remove handling of other serial commands. This includes navigating via serial the lcd. configuration menu, lcd. telemetry and permanent. log . Navigating via stick inputs on tx is not affected and will work the same. define SUPPRESSOTHERSERIALCOMMANDS saves approx 0 to 100 bytes, depending on features enabled to log values like max loop time and others to come logging values are visible via LCD config set to 1, enable R option to reset values, max current, max altitude set to 2, adds minmax cycleTimes set to 3, adds additional powerconsumption on a per motor basis (this uses the big array and is a memory hog, if POWERMETER ltgt PMSOFT) define LOGVALUES 1 Permanent logging to eeprom - survives (most) upgrades and parameter resets. used to track number of flights etc. over lifetime of controller board. Writes to end of eeprom - should not conflict with stored parameters yet. Logged values: accumulated lifetime, powercycleresetinitialize events, arm events, disarm events, last armedTime, failsafedisarm, i2cerrsdisarm To activate set to size of eeprom for your mcu: promini 328p: 1023 2560: 4095. Enable one or more options to show the log define LOGPERMANENT 1023 define LOGPERMANENTSHOWATSTARTUP enable to display log at startup define LOGPERMANENTSHOWATL enable to display log when receiving L define LOGPERMANENTSHOWAFTERCONFIG enable to display log after exiting LCD config menu define LOGPERMANENTSERVICELIFETIME 36000 in seconds service alert at startup after 10 hours of armed time to add debugging code not needed and not recommended for normal operation will add extra code that may slow down the main loop or make copter non-flyable define DEBUG Use this to trigger LCD configuration without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly with this activated define LCDCONFDEBUG Use this to trigger telemetry without a TX - only for debugging - do NOT fly w ith this activated define LCDTELEMETRYDEBUG This form rolls between all screens, LCDTELEMETRYAUTO must also be defined. define LCDTELEMETRYDEBUG 6 This form stays on the screen specified. Enable string transmissions from copter to GUI define DEBUGMSG to calibrate all ESCs connected to MWii at the same time (useful to avoid unpluggingre-plugging each ESC) Warning: this creates a special version of MultiWii Code You cannot fly with this special version. It is only to be used for calibrating ESCs Read How To at code. googlepmultiwiiwikiESCsCalibration define ESCCALIBLOW MINCOMMAND define ESCCALIBHIGH 2000 define ESCCALIBCANNOTFLY uncomment to activate internal frequencies frequenies for rare cyclic actions in the main loop, depend on cycle time time base is main loop cycle time - a value of 6 means to trigger the action every 6th run through the main loop example: with cycle time of approx 3ms, do action every 63ms18ms value must be 1 65535 define LCDTELEMETRYFREQ 23 to send telemetry data over serial 23 ltgt 60ms ltgt 16Hz (only sending interlaced, so 8Hz update rate) define LCDTELEMETRYAUTOFREQ 967 to step to next telemetry page 967 ltgt 3s define PSENSORFREQ 6 to read hardware powermeter sensor 6 ltgt 18ms define VBATFREQ PSENSORFREQ to read battery voltage - keep equal to PSENSORFREQ unless you know what you are doing for development only: to allow for easier and reproducable config sets for test compiling, different sets of config parameters are kept together. This is meant to help detecting compile time errors for various features in a coordinated way. It is not meant to produce your flying firmware To use: - do not set any options in config. h, - enable with define COPTERTEST 1, then compile - if possible, check for the size - repeat with other values of 2, 3, 4 etc. define COPTERTEST 1 Uncomment this line, and make sure to comment out the HK board. define CRIUSSE Crius MultiWii SE Just so you know, the ZMR board Crius SE Ive owned both boards and they are identical, just the name on them is different. Different place of manufacture I presume yes thats what mine is defined under. also i thought it was 2.1, worked out its 2.0 so i had to use multiwii 1.4 configwingui. have flashed my board to 2.1 and can say it works with the above defined in wingui 2.1,MultiWii 2.3 b5 config. h to create a working combination you must at least make your choices in section 1. 1 - BASIC SETUP - you must select an option in every block. this assumes you have 4 channels connected to your board with standard ESCs and servos. 2 - COPTER TYPE SPECIFIC OPTIONS - you likely want to check for options for your copter type 3 - RC SYSTEM SETUP 4 - ALTERNATE CPUs amp BOARDS - if you have 5 - ALTERNATE SETUP - select alternate RX (SBUS, PPM, etc.), alternate ESC-range, etc. here 6 - OPTIONAL FEATURES - enable nice to have features here (FlightModes, LCD, telemetry, battery monitor etc.) 7 - TUNING amp DEVELOPER - if you know what you are doing you have been warned - (ESCs calibration, Dynamic MotorProp Balancing, Diagnostics, Memory savings. ) 8 - DEPRECATED - these features will be removed in some future release 1. parameters marked with () in the comment are stored in eeprom and can be changed via serial monitor or LCD. 2. parameters marked with () in the comment are stored in eeprom and can be changed via the GUI please submit any correction to this list. Note from Alex: I only own some boards, for other boards, Im not sure, the info was gathered via rc forums, be cautious define FFIMUv1 first 9DOFbaro board from Jussi, with HMC5843 lt - confirmed by Alex define FFIMUv2 second version of 9DOFbaro board from Jussi, with HMC5883 lt - confirmed by Alex define FREEIMUv1 v0.1 amp v0.2 amp v0.3 version of 9DOF board from Fabio define FREEIMUv03 FreeIMU v0.3 and v0.3.1 define FREEIMUv035 FreeIMU v0.3.5 no baro define FREEIMUv035MS FreeIMU v0.3.5MS lt - confirmed by Alex define FREEIMUv035BMP FreeIMU v0.3.5BMP define FREEIMUv04 FreeIMU v0.4 with MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA lt - confirmed by Alex define FREEIMUv043 same as FREEIMUv04 with final MPU6050 (with the right ACC scale) define NANOWII the smallest multiwii FC based on MPU6050 pro micro based proc lt - confirmed by Alex define PIPO 9DOF board from erazz define QUADRINO full FC board 9DOFbaro board from witespy with BMP085 baro lt - confirmed by Alex define QUADRINOZOOM full FC board 9DOFbaro board from witespy second edition define QUADRINOZOOMMS full FC board 9DOFbaro board from witespy second edition lt - confirmed by Alex define ALLINONE full FC board or standalone 9DOFbaro board from CSGEU define ATAVRSBIN1 Atmel 9DOF (Contribution by EOSBandi). requires 3.3V power. define SIRIUS Sirius Navigator IMU lt - confirmed by Alex define SIRIUSGPS Sirius Navigator IMU using external MAG on GPS board lt - confirmed by Alex define SIRIUS600 Sirius Navigator IMU using the WMP for the gyro define SIRIUSAIR Sirius Navigator IMU 6050 32U4 from MultiWiiCopter lt - confirmed by Alex define SIRIUSAIRGPS Sirius Navigator IMU 6050 32U4 from MultiWiiCopter with GPSMAG remote located define SIRIUSMEGAv5OSD ParisSirius ITG3050,BMA280,MS5611,HMC5883,uBlox Multiwiicopter lt - confirmed by Alex define MINIWII Jussis MiniWii Flight Controller lt - confirmed by Alex define MICROWII MicroWii 10DOF with ATmega32u4, MPU6050, HMC5883L, MS561101BA from flyduino. net define CITRUSv21 CITRUS from qcrc. ca define DROTEK10DOF Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085, w or wo LLC define DROTEK10DOFMS Drotek 10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, MS5611, LLC define DROTEK6DOFv2 Drotek 6DOF v2 define DROTEK6DOFMPU Drotek 6DOF with MPU6050 define MONGOOSE10 mongoose 1.0 s tore. ckdevices define CRIUSLITE Crius MultiWii Lite define CRIUSSE Crius MultiWii SE define CRIUSSEv20 Crius MultiWii SE 2.0 with MPU6050, HMC5883 and BMP085 define OPENLRSv2MULTI OpenLRS v2 Multi Rc Receiver board including ITG3205 and ADXL345 define BOARDPROTO1 with MPU6050 HMC5883L MS baro define BOARDPROTO2 with MPU6050 slave MAG3110 MS baro define GY80 Chinese 10 DOF with L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085, LLC define GY85 Chinese 9 DOF with ITG3205 ADXL345 HMC5883L LLC define GY86 Chinese 10 DOF with MPU6050 HMC5883L MS5611, LLC define GY521 Chinese 6 DOF with MPU6050, LLC define INNOVWORKS10DOF with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883, BMP085 available here diymulticopter define INNOVWORKS6DOF with ITG3200, BMA180 available here diymulticopter define MultiWiiMega MEGA MPU6050HMC5883LMS5611 available here diymulticopter define PROTODIY 10DOF mega board define IOIMINIMULTIWII bambucopter define Bobs6DOFV1 BobsQuads 6DOF V1 with ITG3200 amp BMA180 define Bobs9DOFV1 BobsQuad s 9DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180 amp HMC5883L define Bobs10DOFBMPV1 BobsQuads 10DOF V1 with ITG3200, BMA180, HMC5883L amp BMP180 - BMP180 is software compatible with BMP085 define FLYDUINOMPU MPU6050 Break Out onboard 3.3V reg define DESQUARED6DOFV2GO DEsquared V2 with ITG3200 only define DESQUARED6DOFV4 DEsquared V4 with MPU6050 define MEGAWAPV2STD available here: multircshop lt - confirmed by Alex define HKMultiWiiSEV2 Hobbyking board with MPU6050 HMC5883L BMP085 define HKMultiWii328P Also labeled quotHobbybroquot on the back. ITG3205 BMA180 BMP085 NMC5583L DSM2 Connector (Spektrum Satellite) define RCNetFC RCNet FC with MPU6050 and MS561101BA rcnet define RCNetFCGPS RCNet FC with MPU6050 MS561101BA HMC5883L UBLOX GPS rcnet define FLYDUULTRA MEGA10DOFMT3339 FC define DIYFLYINGMAGEV1 diyflying 10DOF mega board with MPU6050 HMC5883L BMP085 indoor-flying. hk define MultiWii32U4SE Hextronik MultiWii32U4SE define MultiWii32U4SEnobaro Hextronik MultiWii32U4SE without the MS561101BA for more free flash-memory define Flyduino9DOF Flyduino 9DOF IMU MPU6050HMC5883l define NanoPlane Multiwii Plane version with tail-front LSM330 sensor radiosait. ruenpage5324.html leave it commented if you already checked a specific board above The following lines apply only for specific receiver with only one PPM sum signal, on digital PIN 2 Select the right line depending on your radio brand. Feel free to modify the order in your PPM order is different define SERIALSUMPPM PITCH, YAW, THROTTLE, ROLL, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 For GraupnerSpektrum define SERIALSUMPPM ROLL, PITCH, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 For RobeHitecFutaba define SERIALSUMPPM ROLL, PITCH, YAW, THROTTLE, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 For Multiplex define SERIALSUMPPM PITCH, ROLL, THROTTLE, YAW, AUX1,AUX2,AUX3,AUX4,8,9,10,11 For some HitecSanwaOthers Uncommenting following line allow to connect PPMSUM receiver to standard THROTTLE PIN on MEGA boards (eg. A8 in CRIUS AIO) The following lines apply only for Spektrum Satellite Receiver Spektrum Satellites are 3V devices. DO NOT connect to 5V For MEGA boards, attach sat grey wire to RX1, pin 19. Sat black wire to ground. Sat orange wire to Mega boards 3.3V (or any other 3V to 3.3V source). For PROMINI, attach sat grey to RX0. Attach sat black to ground. define SPEKTRUM 1024 define SPEKTRUM 2048 define SPEKSERIALPORT 1 Forced to 0 on Pro Mini and single serial boards Set to your choice of 0, 1, or 2 on any Mega based board (defaults to 1 on Mega). Defines that allow a quotBindquot of a Spektrum or Compatible Remote Receiver (aka Satellite) via Configuration GUI. Bind mode will be same as declared above, if your TX is capable. Ground, Power, and Signal must come from three adjacent pins. By default, these are Ground4, Power5, Signal6. These pins are in a row on most MultiWii shield boards. Pins can be overriden below. Normally use 3.3V regulator is needed on the power pin. If your satellite hangs during bind (blinks, but wont complete bind with a solid light), go direct 5V on all pins. For Pro Mini, the connector for the Satellite that resides on the FTDI can be unplugged and moved to these three adjacent pins. define SPEKBIND Un-Comment for Spektrum Satellie Bind Support. Code is 420 bytes smaller without it. define SPEKBINDGROUND 4 define SPEKBINDPOWER 5 define SPEKBINDDATA 6 The following line apply only for Futaba S-Bus Receiver on MEGA boards at RX1 only (Serial 1) or PROMICRO boards. You have to invert the S-Bus-Serial Signal e. g. with a Hex-Inverter like IC SN74 LS 04 define SBUSSERIALPORT 1 define SBUSMIDOFFSET 988 SBUS Mid-Point at 1500 if enabled, define here the Arduino Serial port number and the UART speed note: only the RX PIN is used in case of NMEA mode, the GPS is not configured by multiwii in NMEA mode the GPS must be configured to output GGA and RMC NMEA sentences (which is generally the default conf for most GPS devices) at least 5Hz update rate. uncomment the first line to select the GPS serial port of the arduino define GPSSERIAL 2 should be 2 for flyduino v2. Its the serial port number on arduino MEGA define GPSPROMINISERIAL Will Autosense if GPS is connected when ardu boots. avoid using 115200 baud because with 16MHz arduino the 115200 baudrate have more than 2 speed error (57600 have 0.8 error) define GPSBAUD 115200 NMEA - Standard NMEA protocol GGA, GSA and RMC sentences are needed UBLOX - U-Blox binary protocol, use the ublox config file (u-blox-config. ublox. txt) from the source tree MTKBINARY16 and MTKBINARY19 - MTK3329 chipset based GPS with DIYDrones binary firmware (v1.6 or v1.9) With UBLOX and MTKBINARY you dont have to use GPSFILTERING in multiwii code. choice of LCD attached for configuration and telemetry, see notes below define LCDDUMMY No Physical LCD attached. With this amp LCDCONF defined, TX sticks still work to set gains, by watching LED blink. define LCDSERIAL3W Alex initial variant with 3 wires, using rx-pin for transmission 9600 baud fixed define LCDTEXTSTAR SERIAL LCD: Cats Whisker LCDTEXTSTAR Module CW-LCD-02 (Which has 4 input keys for selecting menus) define LCDVT100 SERIAL LCD: vt100 compatible terminal emulation (blueterm, putty, etc.) define LCDTTY SERIAL LCD: useful to tweak parameters over cable with arduino IDE serial monitor define LCDETPP I2C LCD: Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD, which is i2c (not serial) define LCDLCD03 I2C LCD: LCD03, which is i2c define OLEDI2C128x64 I2C LCD: OLED multiwiiforumviewtopic. phpf7ampt1350 define OLEDDIGOLE I2C OLED from digoleindex. phpproductID550 define LCDSERIALPORT 0 must be 0 on Pro Mini and single serial boards Set to your choice on any Mega based board define SUPPRESSOLEDI2C128x64LOGO suppress display of OLED logo to save memory double font height for better readability. Reduces visible lines by half. The lower part of each page is accessible under the name of shifted keyboard letter. 1 -. 2 - . 3 - . 4 - . 5 - . 6 - . 7 - amp. 8 - . 9 - ( You must add both to your lcd. telemetry. sequences define DISPLAYFONTDSIZE currently only aplicable for OLEDI2C128x64 and OLEDDIGOLE style of display - AUTODETECTED via LCD setting - only activate to override defaults define MULTILINEPRE 2 multiline configMenu pref lines define MULTILINEPOST 6 multiline configMenu post lines define DISPLAYCOLUMNS 16 keys to navigate the LCD menu define LCDMENUPREV p

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